Difference between FloraFlex Bubblers and Micro Drippers

It can be confusing at first, but once you've read this article, you'll have a better understanding on the various components of the FloraFlex irrigation systems. Note that FloraFlex do more than just irrigation, such as their quickfils, pumps, lights, incubators, but this article will focus solely on providing a clear overview on the FloraFlex irrigation.  

We can break down FloraFlex irrigation systems into two systems; FloraFlex Bubblers and, the more popular now, Micro Drippers. Let's look at the bubblers first.

FloraFlex Bubblers 

FloraFlex Bubbler system has been their flagship product from the beginning of FloraFlex's journey, and is an open flow system geared towards those wanting to simulate hand watering without hand watering.  In short, its for higher volume, lower frequency irrigation strategies. Organics and/or thicker nutrients can be used with this setup.

The bubbler head is an 8 outlet manifold which used with their green drip line that is pushed-fit on to the manifolds. Each manifold is connected together by a series of 3/4" hard piping.

At the end of the drip line you have the choice of feeding your plants via:

FloraFlex Caps - drip caps work with the FloraFlex clips, which hold the drip line in place, to evenly distribute your feed over the surface of the plant via the holes in the caps.  This is a very popular system, and come in 4", 6", and 8" caps. 

FloraFlex Matrix system - the FloraFlex matrix system combines an absorbent pad that sits under a round plastic cap with holes in it. The feed enters the round plastic disc and drains though the holes on to the absorbent pad first that sits on top of the surface of your medium. This helps prevention of any potential channelling as without the absorbent pad, the holes disc nearest the outlet of the green drip line will drain the most.   

FloraFlex Basket drippers - a later entry into the bubbler system, the FloraFlex basket drippers mimic the microdrip system. This is used by those looking for more precise control with crop steering but already have the bubbler system. FloraFlex basket drippers will give more precision irrigation - when the pump stops so does the irrigation, however, with the other two methods, the plants are still being irrigated through the absorbent pad or water still trickling through the caps.

FloraFlex Micro Drippers

The FloraFlex micro drippers offer more precision irrigation geared towards low volume, high frequency irrigation strategies and not recommend for running organics or thicker nutrients through this system.

With the FloraFlex micro drippers, there is a shorter pump-to-plant run time, as there are no caps or pads to saturate before the plant gets watered. Equally, the "stop" time is also longer as the caps continue to drain  / pads become dry when the pump stops. With the micro drippers, when the pump stops, the irrigation stops.

The FloraFlex micro drippers are also easier to setup - the double layered tubing can be cut with normal household scissors and joined together using their screw fittings.

Once the tubing is connected, micro drippers are pushed in to the holes (created using the hole punch) and you're good to go!  Compare this setup with the bubblers which require hard pipe to be cut with a saw, and then glued together...then the green drip line needs to be cut to the exact and equal lengths, which in my experience, is not an easy task at all! 

In closing, there is an obvious bias towards the drippers, but the advantage is clear - micro drippers are easier to setup, and have more precise irrigation. Anyone looking to crop steer, micro drippers are the ones. The advantage of the bubblers though is a quicker plant saturation times as the volume of water per minute passing through the manifold is higher. 

Whichever option you choose, The Hydro Bros got you covered. For more information drop us a line to the store or an email or a DM on our socials.


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