Exhibitline - Tray Of 50 Million Nematodes


Sale price€37,95


Exhibitline SF contains the insect pathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae. Nematodes can be used for the control of sciarid fly e.g. fungus gnat larvae and Western Flower thrips on ornamental plants. 

Fight almost all pest problems quickly, easily and safely with nematodes! Harmless to you and your plants, but parasitic to most grow room pests.  Mix this pack with 115 to 190l of water. 

Application Method

Generally as a curative treatment or programmed application for each batch of plants. The temperature range is 10°C to 30°C. Applied as a drench for the control of sicarid fly larvae and as a foliar spray for thrips, leaf miner and scale insect. Apply 50 million/1,100ft2 (100m2) to 250 million/5,500ft2 (500m2). When fungus gnats are a problem, Exhibitline should be applied every 2-6 weeks.

For best results, treat entire greenhouse or plant inventory as soon as fungus gnats are seen. If fungus gnats are established, it may be 2-3 weeks before the number of adults is noticeably reduced.

Nematodes are fast-acting and easy to use. Once applied, nematodes remain active for 6 weeks!

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